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Membership Options and Costs


FEES: $400.00

Active program members shall be postgraduate programs with a curriculum, including didactic and clinical components, which trains National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) eligible/certified physician assistants for a defined period of time, usually a minimum of twelve (12) months in a medical/surgical specialty. Programs must award a certificate or graduate academic credit or degree.


FEES: $400.00

Provisional Program Members shall be newly developing postgraduate physician assistant programs which have not yet graduated their first class. When such programs have graduated their first class they will be eligible for and may be advanced to membership as Active Program Members. Provisional Program Members may have the privileges of the floor and may serve on committees, but they may not vote or hold office.


FEES: $50.00 
Individual members may have the privileges of the floor and may serve on committees, but may not vote or hold office.



In order to maintain membership in good standing with the Association, all member programs are expected to support the “Responsibilities of Membership” criteria as follows:

  • Support the Association of Postgraduate Physician Assistant Programs, Inc. (APPAP) by:
    • Attending all business meetings
    • Actively participate in dialogues that will enhance the growth and development of the Association
    • Maintaining accurate program files with the Association and paying annual dues promptly
    • Participating in surveys or other data collection efforts by the Association
    • Be willing to serve as an officer or committee chair
      *Officers are also expected to attend meetings or arrange representation.
  • Adhere to sound educational principles and support other member programs in the pursuit of such principles.
  • Positively represent the Association when networking with physician assistant faculty,
    programs and students and other professional organizations.
  • Encourage physician assistant students desirous of specialty training.
  • Serve as a role model for physician assistant students and trainees.