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Linda Brandt Research Award for Physician Assistant Postgraduate Training


Linda Brandt was one of the founding members of APPAP and served as its first president. Although not a PA herself, she was a driving force for PA postgraduate education. She was the Director of the PA Surgical Residency at Norwalk Hospital/Yale University School of Medicine and a founding member of the Society for the Preservation of Physician Assistant History. She is remembered by her colleagues for her passion and tireless devotion to PA postgraduate education. She continuously fostered the professional development of hundreds of PA residents and contributed to the education of thousands of PA students from all over the country. Linda lost her battle with cancer in 2004.

It is an honor for APPAP to offer this award in her memory.



The purpose of this initiative is to support research regarding Physician Assistant postgraduate education, impact, and training outcomes.


  • Physician Assistant postgraduate residents/fellows
  • Physician Assistant students
  • Physician Assistants


  • Make a good-faith effort to complete the research project in the allotted time.
  • Present an update to the project at the APPAP fall business meeting.
  • Present the completed project at the APPAP annual spring meeting, held in conjunction with the annual AAPA Conference.


Applicants must submit a typed, double-spaced proposal that includes the following sections:

  • Title Page
  • Title
  • Applicant name, address (postal and e-mail), phone and fax numbers
  • Abstract (not more than 500 words)
  • Research Description (not more than 4 pages)
  • Background and Rationale
  • Methods
  • Identification and qualifications of key personnel
  • Expected timeline for completion of the project
  • CV of Applicant
  • CV of Mentor(s)*
  • Mentor Statement of support*
  • Statement of Institutional Support-This may be a letter from an appropriate individual or representative who can affirm that the applicant has access to facilities and personnel to aid in the successful completion of the project. It may be included in the Mentor Statement if appropriate.
  • Students and Residents should identify a mentor or mentor team. Up to 3 persons may be included. Mentor identification is optional for graduates and other professionals; however, mentor identification is encouraged for those with limited experience in research.
  • Relevance to PA Postgraduate Education
  • Feasibility and likelihood of completion (timeline, mentor, facility, etc)
  • Considerations: Writing organization, detail and style


APPAP Linda Brandt Research Award
Research Committee


The $2000 award will be delivered in two allotments:

  • The first dispersal of $1000 will be delivered upon notification.

The second dispersal of $1000 will be delivered after the Spring APPAP meeting.


  • Call for Submissions: April 1
  • Deadline for Submissions: May 31, 11:59pm EST
  • Award decisions and notification of recipient will be made by mid June.


One award for the total amount of $2000 will be provided.